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Showing posts from September, 2017
The movie that catches my eyes is the movie If I Stay there's a book to that too. These catches my eye because its a movie of a family and there's a girl named Mia and she got into a school and she plays the violin and she also got into a school. One day it was snowing hard and there  family decide to go on a family trip and they crashed they were all like dying but Mia turned into a angel and she sees everyone and the crashed but she's an angel she cant really not do anything about it but watch the movie to find out the rest and if she lives or not.
If my feet were to talk they would say that my feet really don't smell unless i do something like go in the mud or the bench and i step in the sand. Also my feet would say that i like to get them to look cute like go to the nail salon. My feet would say i don't like to sleep with socks on unless it's cold or i'm sick.
S           Specific        Speaking in front of an audience. M          Measure       I will speak in front of a group at least 15 people. A           Attainable    I will practice speaking with friends, family, and by myself. R           Relevant      Speaking in public is important because i will need it in my career and because                                       it will help me build confidence. T          Timely            I will give my first speech in class by the end of October 2017.
The best birthday i had was when i spent it in San Francisco. The day before i had to go the a fifteen which was really fun but i had a fever so i was in a bad day but then at the night i was dancing st the party. Then it was the night before my birthday and then everyone like all my family stayed up until 12 and the once it hit 12 everyone singed happy birthday to me and then hug me and gave me money. The day of my birthday my cousin took me to the 9 story mall at San Francisco and i got everything i wanted not like everything but it was still my birthday and then when i had to come back to Santa Maria so i kinda spent all my time in the car with my family and then i got home and my parents got me balloons and a cake because my dad and mom didn't come with me i went with my cousins. Also when i got home my friend Andrea came to my house i went to get my nails thatwhat basically i did.
Today in my 3rd i had to practice my skit . Which i have to act out tomorrow in class. i have to do a shirt that says i don't support Muslims but its only for a skit , i think i do support them
To be honest , i haven't read my book since like the beginning of the school year but if your interested  i have a post about was the story . Its down there πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ
Donald Trump Hair Story First, one day i woke up and i went to the restroom and i saw that my hair looked liked Donald trump's hair. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. Second, So i started to search online what to do to take the color blond off. I keep searching and i didn't want to go black because that was my only option. I really didn't like how black looked on me. So i went to Sally Beauty Salon Store. Third, I got out the store and they told me i had to go black  and after i just went the barber shop and they told me the same thing and i didn't want to get black like i just want my brown hair back. i  decided  to just shaved my hair bald so i did! NO DONALD TRUMP HAIR !!
I am staying up to get my math grade up because when you miss like two days your grade already goes down like ok? it's only two days and sadly my history class you can't turn in late work so i think i learned my lesson.